Thursday, May 10, 2012

You reap what you sow

I'm a good driver. A great driver even. According to the DMV and my insurance company, I'm an ACE. I haven't gotten a ticket in 8 years or had an accident in 6.

And then...

I got pulled over twice this morning. Within 3 hours of each other. The first one gave me a speeding ticket. I was doing 78 in a 55 (but he only wrote me for 70). The second one let me go. I actually wasn't doing anything wrong the second time.

I started looking at my arms. Has living in the desert darkened my skin? Does my car match a stolen vehicle? Why did I get pegged this morning? And then it hit me. It hit me with vigor and clarity.

Amos. I listened to Amos yesterday while driving to work. He's a minor prophet but a major hitter. He accuses the nation Israel of all of their heinous sins before God, and worst of all, accuses them of being unrepentant. He tells them that because of their sins, "prepare to meet your God". He gives them consequences. He explains God's justice system a little more clearly.

After that was over I was like, "that was heavy". Then I turned on the radio to a Christian Talk station I listen to every so often to hear pastor Lance Sparks quoting James and Paul and others in the New Testament about how sin leads to death and all sin carries consequences, whether or not it is repented of and forgiven by God. Examples? They abound. You rob a grocery store: you go to jail. You curse at your spouse in anger: your kids hear it, and then they turn out just like you. You shirk your homework: you don't pass. You don't spend quality time with your family: they flounder and sink, and you live unfulfilled. Whether or not these crimes are forgiven, the consequences remain the same. The Bible says it very clearly: You reap what you sow.

I have been unintentional lately about many things. I have rarely read my Bible (I'm just too busy...), have not spent much quality time with my family, have used homework as an excuse to get out of doing things and then hardly ever actually do my homework in those times, I have been hit or miss with praying for my family and my neighbors each day, let Bible time with the kids fall off the cliff, etc. And now, emergency after emergency at home. A miscarriage. Bleeding and disobedient children. A frustrated and drowning wife. Clogged sinks. Extended family problems. Hospital bills. Bank overdrafts. And now, traffic tickets, traffic school, the stress of being pulled over twice in three hours.

After I said "thank you" to the gentleman who had handed me a citation and shook his hand, I thanked God for the reminder. There are consequences to my actions. This was a very minor one. I needed a slap on the wrist. I deserve a hell of a lot more than that. Thank you Lord for your mercy and for always seeing me through, even when I am keeping you at arm's length you find a way to tap my shoulder and bring me back.

What kinds of things remind you that God is in control and doesn't let you get away with things?