Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tonight, tonight

We'll crucify the insincere tonight. How about that?

What's really going on?

There's a broken window in our dining room that I broke when trying to get it open one evening about nine months ago. I haven't fixed it yet. It's covered with a piece of cardboard and sealed with blue painter's tape. We recently quelched an insane black fly problem in the kitchen, master bedroom and bathroom, mostly due to the fact that I bought screening materials but have not screened the windows yet. I have gained 50 pounds in the last year, which I attribute to stress and lack of time - 'school takes all my time' (which is B.S.). I keep telling myself that I will be graduating in just a couple of months and then I'll get back in shape. Some resolution. The truth is I can't wake up in the mornings and am often a few minutes late to work.

I have not done any kind of daily devotional Bible reading in months. My eczema has been pretty bad this summer. Sometimes I wonder if I should correlate the two.

Today a big rig dumped an entire truck load of wet asphalt across three lanes of the only freeway that will get me home. I moved about four miles in two hours.

But on one very awesome note, my wife and kids have found a way to get along together. They discovered Montessori homeschooling, and everyone is benefiting greatly from it. Amazingly (although I'm at work while this goes on), I am benefiting the most. The kids are happier and a little better behaved. This has dropped a great weight from my shoulders where I had always blamed myself for their constant misbehavior.

We've been getting in Bible time with the kiddos most nights, and every night when I put them to bed I read them six or seven chapters of the Bible while they calm down and try to go to sleep. In the last few weeks we have read Job, Mark, Deuteronomy and tonight we read half of Romans. Even if this is way beyond them now, I hope the questions and comments will start flooding out of them soon. I plan to keep this up. It's probably the only good thing I have ever done for them.

I told my kids tonight that I am so sick of hearing them complain when I put them in their beds. After I put out all the fires, they actually knocked out with little hullabaloo. I hope you're sick of me doing the same thing. From now on, the complaints department is closed.

I've had enough of myself too. If you see me complain again, remind me to give myself a spanking.

Tonight, tonight.

What things are you sick of yourself for? Lay them at the cross. Jesus died for those things too.